PDC Staff Invited to City Chambers Event!
Our Parkhead Development Company colleagues Chris and Coree were delighted to be invited along to a recent Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership Jobs Fair event at the City Chambers to share their experience with delegates of working with the team at the Supported Employment Service.
The Supported Employment Service is a team of job coaches who support people with learning disabilities and / or autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) to find and keep full time jobs.
Coree joined PDC through Project Search which is a full time intensive work experience programme for people aged between 18 - 29 years who have learning disabilities and / or autistic spectrum conditions. However Coree made such an impression at PDC he is now a permanent member of staff. Coree said ‘I decided to go to college to improve my skills and get some qualifications. It was when I was at college that someone told me about Project Search. I applied and I got in then my job coach told me about the job at PDC and I applied and got the job.’
Environmental Operation’s Manager Chris Rough said ‘Coree brings a great deal to the team at PDC – he is reliable; has good timekeeping and has excellent attention to detail. Most of all he is an extremely hard worker and this is reflected in our performance on the ground.’