Thank you for your interest in housing with Parkhead Housing Association.
The Association operates an open access Allocations System, which provides the opportunity for anyone, aged 16 years or over to apply and be placed on the waiting list and have their application assessed.
We know searching for a new home can be a stressful time. Throughout this application you will note important information which will make applying for a home as quick and easy as possible.
Completing your Housing Application Form
Please carefully read and answer all of the questions within this application even if you think
that they do not apply to you including:
- Section 3: Asylum and Immigration & Non-UK Nationals
- Section 7: Declared Interests
- Section 8: Anti-Social Behaviour
- Section 9: Supervision Orders
- Section 12: Declaration
Tips for Applying:
- Complete all parts of the application and answer “N/A” to questions which are not relevant to you
- Print in clear handwriting
- Provide all relevant proof documentation
- Sign and date the application on completion
Please note, if your application is not signed it will not be processed
Your housing application is split into two main parts:
Part One: relates to your Household/Personal details, housing history and your need for housing. Please Note: your application will only be assessed using the information contained in section one.
Part Two: relates to information that is required for monitoring purposes only. This information has no weighting on the assessment of your application.
To speed up the application process, you should provide us with as much information as possible regarding your circumstances. This is important as it allows us to assess your application accurately.
Supporting Information for your application
You must enclose all relevant documentation when you submit your application form. The information we require is:
- Photographic ID for applicant and or any joint application (where applicable) – documents such as passport or driving licence are acceptable as well as birth certificates if no photographic identity is available (copies or digital copy).
- Proof of address for the applicant, any joint application or anyone over the age of 16 (where applicable) – documents should be dated within the last 3 months and have the current address. Utility bills, bank statements, Council Tax or Benefits letters, insurance documents.
- Proof of ownership / tenancy of the current address – documents we accept include Tenancy Agreement, occupancy agreement, contract, lease agreement, mortgage statement, Factor’s invoice, Council Tax letter or buildings insurance document.
- Proof of National Insurance Number
- Pregnancy – if anyone included in the application is pregnant, we require proof of pregnancy such as a maternity certificate which confirms the expected week of confinement.
- Homelessness – if you are homeless or threatened with homelessness we require to see proof that an assessment has been made by the City Council’s Community Casework Team so that this can be considered when assessing your application. If you have been issued with a Notice to Quit you should provide proof of this.
- Employment – if you or anyone that is looking to be rehoused with you is moving to the Parkhead area for employment purposes, you should provide proof such as a wage slip or contract of employment.
- Children – if you have children who live with you on a part time basis, please provide proof of this e.g. a letter from your child’s other parent/guardian.
- Right to Reside – if you are not a UK National, please provide proof of your right to reside e.g. national identity card.
What next
Once we are in receipt of a completed housing application along with all relevant proofs, we will assess your application and seek a reference from your current landlord in addition to any other supporting information we require. During this time, you do not need to contact us unless your circumstances or your contact details have changed.
After your application has been assessed we will write to you to confirm how many points you have been awarded based on the information you have provided in part one of the application.
Your application will be made live meaning you will be considered for offers of housing however we are unable to indicate a timescale for you being rehoused.
If your contact details change or you move address, please let us know straight away, especially telephone numbers.